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Aries Saturn

Aries Saturn

You are learning to be self-assertive . . .

and sure of your standpoint, whatever that might be, as indicated by your horoscope as a whole. In order that this lesson can be learned therefore, you will often find yourself left to your own devices. It could be said that the very first lesson here is one of your learning to enjoy and make use of the freedom of movement and expression that this offers - or rather imposes.

By the same token, any form of order or discipline other than that which you have won through your own efforts just won't stand up. You have to drive in the first post and blaze the first trail. "Beaten paths are for beaten people" as one leader once said. However, in the process, try not to be too harsh upon yourself or others as you doggedly pursue that point down the lonesome road of self-discovery upon which you've fixed your gaze.

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