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Io Body and Soul Interpretation for Bill Clinton
The Sun is the source of your vital power, principally ruling the brain and
heart in man and woman. Its sign location (zodiac Sun sign), aspects to other
planets, and house position indicate the vitality of the body, especially in
males. The Sun is thus the indicator of health in males, while the Moon governs
health matters in females. However, the Sun and Moon are important in health
matters in both sexes. The Sun signs and Moon signs at birth, along with their
aspects and positions, are regarded as the "fountains of life on Earth". The
Sun is one of the vital centers in a star map, along with the Moon, Ascendant
(rising sign), and Midheaven (tenth house).
The power of the Sun and how it radiates within you can be thought of as light
rays emanating from a light bulb, powering into your body. The Sun signs are
divided into the Four Elements: FIRE (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius); AIR (Gemini,
Libra, Aquarius); WATER (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces); and EARTH (Taurus, Virgo,
Capricorn). All males born with the Sun in fire signs have the best prospects
for good vitality, as light radiates most freely in a body composed of the fire
element. Light also radiates freely in air, and these natives are the next strongest,
but air sign people become weakened by worry and nervousness. They need rest
to recuperate. The earth element for sunlight is linked with the densest matter,
gives tenacity, wear and tear, rather than vitality. Theses individuals tend
to recovery slowly from their illnesses. The water element for transmission
of sunlight gives the weakest constitution, being a more difficult medium to
manifest light (except Scorpio).
The Sun is the giver of life, but is quite impersonal in its influence that
the average man or woman rarely contacts its higher qualities in a conscious
or positive sense. Planetary aspects, even if hard (square or opposite), are
better than no aspects at all, as in the latter, the native is hardly touched
at all by its influence. This fact is the reason "Sun sign" prophecies found
in the tabloids and daily paper make no sense to some individuals. When well
placed, however, it signifies will power, authority, and self-reliance. If afflicted
by the Moon or Ascendant, it will make the health feeble and the vitality low.
The Sun rules the metabolic fires of your body's cells. Its placement represents
how that energy is needed and distributed. This topic has been termed PHOTOBIOTICS
by the author. All biologic life is ruled by the Sun. Your body requires copious
quantities of light from many sources to maintain your health, vitality, and
beauty. Each Sun sign has recommended foods that tend to foster vitality, as
well as dietary pointers, and warnings about certain foods that will disturb
your body's distribution of the Sun's vital rays, indicative by your Sun's zodiac
placement (the season of the year in which you were born).
In terms of the Zodiac, the twelve signs represent the Grand Man, and rule the
different parts of the body, from head as in Aries, to toe, as in Pisces. Thus,
there is a zodiacal rulership over the body and its organs. In terms of Sun
signs and rising signs, it represents where disease potential exists. The locations
and transits represent how an organ or bowel will be afflicted since these are
rotating, dynamic entities. The houses at birth, signify why disorders will
Inharmonious aspects to the Sun are angles and locations of the other planets
in their orbits in relationship to the Sun. They are called afflictions. For
example, if the Sun is afflicted by a hard angle to the Moon, the health will
be weak, and the rays of the Sun will be on the cold side, the eyesight will
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Vitality, the absorption of prana through the spleen,
the immune system, heart function, spine and back, eyesight, individual cellular
metabolism, the blood and oxygenation, consciousness.
The dominant theme of Leo is to develop one's creativity and internal power.
The mind and heart are polarized in Leo, representing man's attainment of individuality.
The key phrase for Leo is "I will". This sign represents majesty, power, and
dignity. When their egos are turned inward, Leos become self-centered and tyrannical.
Leos express pride in every movement. As long as they are in control or in positions
of responsibility, their self-confidence is high. Leos whose desires for power
and authority remain unfulfilled may develop traits of laziness, indolence,
and inconstancy.
Leos are often courageous and bold and even stubborn when plans are not of their
own doing. They can also be arrogant and willful, expecting the limelight, and
the admiration of others. Their confident attitude may appear smug to others.
Their sunny disposition and smiling eyes reflects a sense of hauteur, if not
snobbery. The hair is abundant as in a lion's mane with the chin firm and purposeful.
Leo is usually not a tall sign, but very sturdy with an even gait.
The Sun, supreme ruler of the human ego, rules Leo. Its influence gives Leos
their true love of life, love through marriage, and its pleasures. They are
strongly attracted to the opposite sex. It is easy for pleasure-loving Leos
to become addicted to rich restaurant food, and in time they find themselves
gaining weight, especially around the girth.
The signs have internal, external, and structural rulerships. Leo represents
the heart of the physical system, a fire sign that heats the body and can lead
to a loss of equilibrium between body and mind. Internally, Leo rules the heart,
spinal cord, liver metabolism, spleen, pulmonary arteries and aorta, superior
and inferior vena cava. Externally, the back and forearm. Structurally, the
twelve dorsal vertebrae.
Leo colors are gold, royal blue, and red. Their benefiting color is purple which
cools down their hot temperament. Leo rules gold, and the birthstones for this
sign are amber, carnelian, diamond and topaz. These individuals should remember
only to wear these stones if they wish to bring that particular energy into
their life. Flowers for Leo include the showy dahlia, yellow lily, poppy (red),
marigold, sunflower, heliotrope, orange, and rosemary.
Vine: Dominating, inflexible, ambitious, bossy.
Chicory: Possessive, self love, self pity, seeks attention, dislikes being alone.
HOMEOPATHIC POLYCREST REMEDY: Chamomilla - Used in the treatment of colds and
fevers; eases digestion and tension.
CELL SALT: Magnesia phosphorica
AROMAS: Bay, basil, cinnamon, frankincense, ginger, juniper, lime, nasturtium,
neroli, orange, petitgrain, rosemary.
PHOTOBIOTICS: Most Leos are suited to vegetarian diets due to their fiery nature.
They should avoid meats that are heating like beef, turkey, and lamb. The vegetable
foods which contain iron like spinach, kale, and wheat grass are important.
Buckwheat, a cooling grain, is suited to the native. Blue fruits like grapes
and berries benefit the native. Coconut, nuts, raisins, lentils are beneficial
AFFLICTIONS: Anemia, heart disease, palpitation; spinal disorders, backache;
baldness; eye troubles.
KARMIC TENDENCIES: Death by plague.
Sun sextile Jupiter is a sure indication of health, wealth and happiness. It
gives the person an abundance of vitality and even if unfavorable planetary
influences succeed in breaking down the resistance, recovery will be rapid if
not miraculous. Equally, these natives are sunny, jovial and extremely optimistic,
beloved by those around them, favoring the health and vitality. This aspect
indicates the accumulation of financial fortunes and wealth due to hard work
and not by the detriment of others. These individuals rarely have to seek opportunities
in life. Afflictions however, may point to a lazy native that misses the big
opportunities in life.
NORMERGIC TENDENCIES: Generally an abundance of energy and a long life.
SUN sextile URANUS
Sun sextile Uranus makes these individuals intuitive, original, inventive and
independent in manner, conduct and personal appearance. They are also likely
to be eccentric or different from the norm. Uranus rules the ethers and electricity
and these people are apt to be of high-strung temperament but well under control,
and rarely show temper or anger. These natives are idealists and likely to be
flexible and able to adopt different points of view. Though their reactions
can sometimes be unpredictable, they rarely show negative attitudes, and are
willing to accept almost any possibility. They are apt to be egalitarian in
their attitudes toward society, interested in and accepting of all people, regardless
of their backgrounds, race, and culture.
NORMERGIC TENDENCIES: Medically, this is a good aspect for it shows the body
is able to adapt to or compensate for defects or dysfunctions as may be found
in the rest of the chart. This aspect tends to add rhythm to bodily functions,
including peristalsis, blood and lymph flow, nerve fluids.
Your Sun sign indicates constitutional vigor and its elemental quality (fire,
air, water, earth), your Moon sign shows the flow of this vital force and your
health. The Moon predominates health matters in the female chart, as well as
those caught under the influence of its emotional force. A disturbed flow of
the vital force, ruled by the Moon, will cause fluctuations in vitality and
ultimately disease. Your Moon sign and its aspects shows your instinctive, reflex
actions, and your habits (good or bad). Moon patterns are reactions and habits
set up in childhood, and become fixed unless acted upon by the individual themselves.
Its location, aspects, and afflictions are one of the most important factors
to consider in the health chart.
The Moon represents the personal habits, suffering, worry, and disease tendencies.
The Moon sign is always very sensitive and represents the weakest part of the
body. Operations should not be performed when the Moon is passing through the
native's sign. The Moon rules the body's fluids, lymphatics, and the natural
power of each organ, including its expulsive or detoxifying powers. Acquired
and destructive habits are generally under the influence of the Moon sign. It
rules the period of life from one to seven years, when so many destructive habits
and health patterns are acquired, as for example from the parents or guardians.
It shows what type of habits you may develop and how they affect your health.
Moon diseases today predominate the health chart. The Moon has a special affinity
for the eyes and eye disorders, defects and errors of accommodation, putrefaction
of the bowels, autointoxication; and disorders or the breasts, womb, and stomach.
Moon forces harden and crystallize the body with age. Moon dominated persons
are inconstant, restless, changeable, and variable, and succumb easily to infectious
illnesses, colds and flu. The Moon rules the stomach. Today we see swollen abdomens
due to excessive eating. Full, round bellies with visual defects reflect just
how Moon bound and problematic the aspects of this orbital body is in the health
astrological chart.
The Moon afflicts other planets and signs by its oppositions and squares. Ill-aspects
show an inclination to little or no exercise. The less afflictions in the female
nativity, the better a chance of a long and prosperous life. The Moon sign signifies
diseases that are acquired after birth, particularly due to indiscretions, bad
habits, and emotional proclivities. It rules the natural powers and immunity.
Cancer, the malignant disease, is a Moon disease, and is prevalent in our mood-based
society of foul language, nasty thoughts, toxic diet, and bad habits.
It should be noted whether the Moon is above the horizon at birth (waxing) or
below the horizon at birth (waning). The health will be stronger with the Moon
above the horizon, rather than below. Hard aspects (afflictions) are not as
strong when the Moon in waxing or increasing in light.
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: The Moon rules diseases that are periodic, return time
and again, as in epilepsy, vertigo, menstrual problems, swellings, migraine
headaches, and gout. Rheumatism is a Moon disease, caused by the retention of
wastes in the joints and fascia. Cancer is a Moon disease, caused not only by
retention of wastes but also morbid bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Moon diseases
today are epidemic, as obesity, lymphatic stasis, tissue puffiness, autointoxication,
fungal/zymotic disorders, and worm infestation affect nearly all industrial
populations. Moon diseases are accentuated by working under artificial lights
or at night, drinking water from underground pipes and/or obtained from recycled
wastes, eating devitalized food stored in refrigerators and freezers, breathing
stale, foul or polluted air; and eating slaughterhouse meats.
The foods and spices that benefit Moon afflictions are those ruled by the Sun
and Mars. The Sun produces fruits and vegetables which when eaten raw and/or
fresh, will vitalize the individual and ward off disease. The old adage, fresh
is best, aptly applies to the health rules.
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Lymphatic system, breasts, mucous membranes, menstruation/fertility/uterus
in pregnancy, stomach and alimentary tract.
The night is ruled by the Moon, and the Sun rules the day. The ancient astrologers
believed that those born during the day are more ruled by the Sun, whereas those
born at night are more ruled by the Moon. Moon activities tend to raise the
action of morbid germs, while the electric action of the day tends to destroy
them. Night activities are less vitalizing than daytime activities. Females
and Moon people tend to suffer more at night when ill. Moon people are more
restless, inconstant, and changeable. The Moon rules the personality and lower
mind, while the Sun rules the intellect and higher mind. Health tends to return
when one begins to "see the light".
Moon in Taurus indicates a native with a gentle, self-reliant and determined
disposition. It indicates perseverance, forethought and kindness and therefore
the native attracts the good things of life, health and wealth, friends and
family, and a good home. The native is fond of pleasure, sociable and hospitable,
a lover of art and music and other enjoyments of life. Moon in Taurus personalities
have excellent memories. They may forgive but they rarely forget. If afflicted,
there are troubles with money matters as they tend to spend too easily for the
pursuit of pleasure and luxury. Overeating due to unhappiness is characteristic.
Their strong desires for physical pleasures and comforts need to be moderated
into more practical affairs.
Taurus rules the throat and when down with a cold or flu, the throat will be
a most vulnerable area. In females, this is a sign of disturbed puberty, painful
and irregular menstruation and uterine affections. When overweight, those with
Moon in Taurus are prone to backache and pains in the feet. The Moon afflicted
in this sign tends towards reduced thyroid function and thus propensity to gain
AFFLICTIONS: Troubles of the larynx, swollen and dropped neck, enlarged tonsils,
susceptibility to sore throats, vocal disorders (females), shallow breathing,
hay fever, rheumatic complaints and hypothyroidism.
BENEFICIAL FOODS: Capers, watercress, lemon, pineapple, oranges, plantain, chamomile
tea, grape, olive oil, sunflower seeds and walnut.
FOODS TO AVOID: It is important for those with Taurian Moons to watch their
diet and craving for wine.
RASHI HOMEOPATHIC MIXTURE: Secale cornutum, baptisia, cocculus, ambra grisea,
graphites, silicea, ammonia.
Mercury, when well placed in the nativity chart, indicates a good and balanced
mind. It rules the cerebral hemispheres. Ill-aspected and afflicted, it shows
a tendency to various disorders of mental reasoning, bad judgment, nervous disease,
and tendency to gamble, swindle, insomnia, and a lack of spiritual calm. The
location in the chart shows what body parts may be prone to neuralgia.
Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, therefore it manifests in diseases related to
respiratory and digestive disorders, particularly of nervous origin. Physiologically,
Mercury rules the respiration and breath. Mercury afflicted at birth indicates
a tendency to shallow breathing. The Hindus believe rhythmic breathing is necessary
for direct link between the soul and mind. Unrhythmic breathing severs this
connection leading to nervous conditions, those easily influenced by others,
proneness to depression, and even insanity. Proper and unregulated breathing
beginning in early life leads to a cascade of pathological actions including
lack of intellectual development, oxygen deficient blood, tendency to overeat
since the diaphragm does not "massage" the stomach due to stifled breathing,
lymphatic stasis since breathing opens the lymph channels, and lethargy due
to lack of vital force and sluggish pranic currents. Mercury placement indicates
much more than the mundane astrology books indicate.
Mercury is considered a neutral planet, in that its transmissions are governed
by the aspects to other planets in the chart. When Mercury conjuncts the Sun,
the ego is involved; aspected to the Moon, the subconscious and habits; to Jupiter,
exaggeration, etc. When Mercury's nervous messages are distorted by the rays
of another planet, inaccurate reception of information and inappropriate neural
commands are likely. Simply, response does not match stimulus resulting in unbalanced
behavior. If the large planets are involved, this can translate into important
health consequences.
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Mercury's chief influence is on the nerves. In regards
to aches and pains, the placement of Mercury in the sign of body rulership shows
tendency to affliction when ill-aspected. Thus, Mercury in Aries shows the tendency
to headaches, in Taurus a tendency to laryngitis and sore throats, in Gemini
chest pains, etc. To offset Mercury afflictions and thus reduce tendency to
aches and pains, the native must learn proper and rhythmic breathing. Taking
up study of yoga or Chinese Ch'i Kung would be of great benefit.
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Nervous system, nervous faculties; breathing, the hands,
the touch; organs of speech and hearing.
Mercury in Leo indicates individuals with high ideals and aspirations. They
possess a positive, strong and persevering intellect and can be outspoken, quick-tempered,
but also kind-hearted and sympathetic. When well aspected, these natives have
good organizing abilities and make capable leaders. They also have the tendency
to appear haughty, proud and passionate. Individuals with Mercury in Leo have
no trouble forming their own opinions and ideas. They find dramatic ways to
communicate and are quick to refuse ideas that disagree with their own. They
love children and are also fond of pleasure. When Mercury is afflicted in Leo
it makes the person fickle and inconstant, an unsuccessful gambler, and of a
low and sensual nature. This position can indicate back and chest pains. The
native would benefit by chiropractic care and regular massage.
SUSCEPTIBLE AREAS: Feet, arms, shoulders, throat.
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Backache, rheumatism of the arms and shoulders; fainting,
palpitations of the heart, fatty heart, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia; disorders
from "high living", and tendencies to catch colds from nervousness and fatigue.
NERVINES: Chamomile, olive oil.
Mercury sextile Venus indicates individuals with depth of intellect, humor and
charm. These natives are good talkers and possess artistic or communicative
talents. They are cheerful and companionable with good-natured dispositions
and enjoy company. They also have ability for music and poetry. Many succeed
in salesmanship, for such people are suave, affable and persuasive.
Mercury sextile Mars indicates individuals with keen, sharp, ingenious and resourceful
minds. This aspect makes these natives enthusiastic over any proposition and
they possess the ability to enthuse others. They are usually hard workers, being
serious and decisive. These people love argument or debate, and they possess
good humor, sometimes blended with a tinge of sarcasm. They also have remarkable
dexterity and mechanical skills.
NORMERGIC TENDENCIES: Self-reliant, self-confident; active mind and body.
Mercury conjunct Saturn gives depth to the mind, and forethought, but indicates
those who may be too formal and structured in their thinking to give credence
to new possibilities that don't fit their preconceived ideas or plans. They
are ambitious and want their ideas to be looked upon as authoritative but most
of them have very little disposition for engaging in tact or flattery that helps
to get their message across. The native also suffers from the tendency to be
melancholy. These individuals place great emphasis on being knowledgeable resulting
from fear of appearing stupid, or inarticulate, often due to remarks made to
them in early childhood. These natives may become mentally arrogant and opinionated
which blocks exchanges with other people and associates. They need to learn
to be more flexible mentally without adhering to limited concepts or opinions.
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: A foul and diseased tongue, halitosis; speech impediment;
spinal disorders and subluxations, numbness, tingling sensations; slothful,
neglectful; backaches; brain fag, weak mind; flatulence.
NUTRITIONAL ASPECTS: Vitamins A, C & P (bioflavonoids) deficiencies; magnesium
BENEFICIAL FOODS: Green leafy vegetables, squash, citrus fruits, broccoli, whole
grains, tea.
KARMIC TENDENCIES: Death by poisoning; "Life robbed of its joy", selfishness,
Mercury sextile Neptune indicates a mind peculiarly adapted to the study of
the psyche, spiritualism and astrology. These natives' perceptions are keen
and delicate and sometimes manifested through clairvoyant faculties. The native
may prefer to work in secrecy without interference or opposition. These individuals
are particularly good as magnetic or faith healers.
Mercury conjunct Pluto indicates natives with a penetrating and resourceful
minds. They enjoy analyzing ideas, relationships, and psyches. These individuals
have a special aptitude for understanding energy, science and ecology. They
often have an interest in secret information, metaphysics, and the occult. If
other aspects are afflicted they can be deceitful and mentally overbearing.
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Of high strung temperament with heart problems, thyroid
insufficiency; multiple sclerosis; constipation or sluggish peristalsis.
NUTRITIONAL ASPECTS: Severe deficiencies of vitamins A & D, iodine, magnesium.
BENEFICIAL FOODS: Squash, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, tea, whole grain.
From the days of Hippocrates, father of Western medicine (Fifth century B. C.),
the ancients emphasized the value of diet and exercise as the prime methods
of restoration of health and longevity. The ancient figurines of women, known
as the "Venus statues", depict a bottom heavy, obese figure of a woman. Some
of these Paleolithic figurines are believed to be more than 20,000 years old.
They are found in all areas of Europe, as far away as Russia, and they all show
women with huge, fat hips and buttocks. Today, it is known as the "Venus Syndrome",
the connection between Venus and the lower body fat, today referred to as "cellulite"
- the thickening and laxity of connective tissue beneath the skin, around gelatinous
pockets of fat, which traps toxic matter and body wastes.
Venus is the principle of harmony, equilibrium, homeostasis, and thus rules
the body's hormonal secretions. The Moon and Venus rule strongly over the affairs
and health of women. It rules over all regulatory and secretory functions, especially
the female sexual hormones. It rules the chemical composition of the body's
fluids, acidity and alkalinity, sodium-potassium balance, and the other mineral
ions. The planet is basically benefic in action, but in hard aspect frequently
points to numerous little disorders, showing a general relaxation of the system
and body tone, but eventually debilitates the native as the years pass. Its
afflictions are generally maladies due to indiscretions in diet and habit.
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Venus has traditionally been associated with diabetes.
Hard aspects to Venus point to lack of homeostasis, lack of tone, congestion
and swelling of the body's tissues; cyst formation; and kidney disorders. Venus
also rules over the veins and indicates such disorders as varicose veins, hemorrhoids,
vascular spiders, etc.
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Homeostasis, hormonal balance, ovaries, kidneys, venous
system, tissue tone, nutritional functions, skin and complexion.
This position indicates individuals with pure and refined affection, fruitful
and congenial marriages, or successful partnerships. It also indicates their
ability to express themselves in forms of music, poetry, singing and the fine
arts. In a public career, they are likely to associate with philosophical and
artistic people. If well aspected, these natives are capable speakers who can
be assured of enjoying appreciation from their audiences. This position can
indicate kidney disorders in general. The native should drink distilled or reverse
osmotic water to keep the kidney's filtration potential clear and clean. Skin
disorders are possible due to kidney overload, putting a burden on the sweat
glands to excrete toxins. Hot saunas to purge the skin and impurities of the
blood are indicated. The native should avoid using tallow based bar soaps as
it tends to plug the pores and reduce the elimination of toxins from the sweat.
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Diabetes, edema, uremia and kidney disease from gluttony,
craving of sweets; skin disorders, sores, ulcers.
ASTRINGENTS/TONICS: Thyme, spearmint.
KARMIC TENDENCIES: Self-indulgence.
SUSCEPTIBLE AREAS: Head, small intestines.
VENUS conjunct MARS
Venus conjunct Mars is considered either a good aspect or bad aspect according
to the matter under interpretation. Venus indicates a moderation of the Martian
rudeness, making the native more kind and polite. But the conjunction also creates
a potential for one to be overly sexual, especially when the conjunction is
in Scorpio or Leo, or the fifth or eighth houses. In Pisces or the twelfth house,
the native is apt to be self-indulgent or self-abusive. The native may be quite
attractive to others as it indicates warmth in the aura. Therefore, the sign
and house position must be studied for a more in depth interpretation of this
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Phlebitis, obesity, hair loss; fibroid tumors; impotence;
diseases due to negligence and pursuit of pleasure; reduced libido due to nutritional
deficiency; adrenal fatigue; premature wrinkling of skin, keloids, scars from
burns; arteriosclerosis.
NUTRITIONAL ASPECTS: Deficiencies of vitamin E and essential fatty acids (vitamin
F - linoleic and linolenic acids), folic acid, selenium, vitamin B12, niacin
(B-3), iron, molybdenum. The native should moderate the craving for sweets.
BENEFICIAL FOODS: Brown rice, wheat germ, green leafy vegetables, kidney beans,
KARMIC TENDENCIES: Given to sensual pleasures, self-indulgent; liable to be
led astray in female nativities; subject to many temptations along moral lines;
death by fire.
Venus conjunct Neptune implies that the native may be deceived in romantic relationships.
An almost hypnotic power of attraction can be exerted by the native, for good
or for bad depending upon the other aspects. On the positive side, the native
may express the highest and purest form of love with far reaching emotional
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Reduced thymus function and immunity; pigmentation
changes during pregnancy; skin cancers; irregular or upset metabolism made worse
by consumption of rancid fats and junk food; poisoning from hard metals, copper,
or lead as found in tap waters; alcoholism or drug abuse; parasite infections.
NUTRITIONAL ASPECTS: Deficiencies of niacin, pantothenic acid.
BENEFICIAL FOODS: Mushrooms, bran, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.
KARMIC TENDENCIES: Unnatural behaviors and appetites; given to sensual pleasures,
self-indulgent, sexual problems out of past experiences, debaucheries; escapism
in order to avoid harsh realities of life.
Venus sextile Pluto indicates that those with this aspect are powerful and intense
individuals that may use their intelligence and intuition to control others.
These natives must learn, however, that those who seek control, at some point
end up being controlled themselves.
KARMIC TENDENCIES: Feelings of ordained marriage; creativity with art and music;
scientific abilities.
Mars is known as the "lesser unfortunate", and Saturn is known as the "greater
unfortunate", as both are considered malefic planets. The action of Mars is
acute and violent, heating, inflammatory, and febrile. Mars rules one's physical
energy, expressed as either self-assertiveness and healthy efforts, or aggression
and hostility. Mars actions include arousal, erection, and penetration. Mars
diseases are traumatic, contagious, burning, blistering, leaving scars, pock
marks, and disfigurements. They are diseases that arise from anger, frustration,
madness, and wickedness. When Mars is well aspected, it shows a strong constitution,
good physical endurance and independence. Natives under strong benefic influence
are practical, handle instruments well, and make good surgeons and dentists.
When unfavorably aspected, the native is prone to fits of fury, argumentative,
and liable to accidents.
Esoterically speaking, Mars, like the Moon, is one of the planets that loses
its influence as spiritual faculties are developed. It is a planetary influence
where its principal expression - anger - always brings reciprocal negative reactions
of the worst kind. To better understand its influence in the native, the house
location indicates the external conditions in the life of the native that needs
spiritual development. The zodiac sign location of Mars indicates the body's
susceptible areas where the negative emotion of anger will raise havoc and disorder.
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Inflammations and scars on the body parts ruled by
the zodiac sign or house of its placement; alterations in blood chemistry, especially
glucose, calcium, magnesium; geloses and myogeloses in muscular tissues; liver
torpidity and congestion; genitourinary infections; hypertension and hypertensive
headaches, migraine.
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Body heat, inflammatory response, adrenal function,
formation of hemoglobin and blood clots, digestion of food, muscular activity,
glycogen storage and liver function, genitals.
The natives who have Mars in Libra usually possess refined tastes, intuitive
minds and an idealistic temperament. When well-aspected, it indicates an ardent
nature who is greatly attracted to the opposite sex and therefore inclines to
an early marriage. The faculties of perception, observation and clear vision
may also be well developed in these individuals. They are enthusiastic lovers
of art and beauty and are popular with the public, or in societies of a social
or religious nature. This location of Mars is ideal for a lawyer or surgeon
and indicates many friends among scientific, religious, philosophic, legal or
business people. These people are good strategists, able to accomplish things
through diplomacy and charm instead of physical force. If Mars is afflicted,
it makes such people very unpopular and subjects them to the opposition and
criticism of the community; and to scandal due to unfaithfulness in marriage
or business partners. Mars afflicted by Uranus or Saturn is a true sign of separation,
broken ties, unsuccessful lawsuits and all things for which the seventh house
stands. An afflicted Mars in Libra usually causes kidney or urinary complaints,
especially after injury. The native should drink adequate amounts of water (6-8)
glasses daily to keep the kidney channels clear and clean.
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Diabetes, liver and kidney disease, nephritis; skin
eruptions, sores and ulcers related to renal dysfunction; facial neuralgia;
back pains; venereal infections, syphilis; itching and burning sensations in
the eyes.
ANTIPHLOGISTICS/COOLANTS: Apple juice, passion fruit, mango, feverfew, vervain.
VULNERARIES: Comfrey, eucalyptus.
KARMIC TENDENCIES: Death by assassination; given to sensual pleasures.
SUSCEPTIBLE AREAS: Feet, kidneys, sex organs, skin.
Mars conjunct Neptune makes the nature coarse, sensual, impulsive and militant.
The native is apt to be extravagant in speech and action, and self-indulgent.
It gives a fanatical spirit which may express itself in either religion, spiritualism
or even atheism. It gives a tendency to lawlessness and participation in political
schemes or plots. It also indicates those with a tendency to harbor self-delusions
caused by basic insecurities. On the positive side, the native may have strong
psychic tendencies and the ability to heal. There may be exotic or peculiar
romantic and emotional desires.
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Poor healing response; combined streptococcal and staphylococal
infections; tuberculosis, "galloping consumption"; neurosis; cancer; susceptible
to poisoning, especially aluminum; lymphatic stasis and reduced immunity, prone
to infectious diseases; sensitivity to drugs.
NUTRITIONAL ASPECTS: Deficiencies of pantothenic acid, folic acid, phosphorus,
iron, vitamin B-12.
BENEFICIAL FOODS: Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, kidney beans, raisins.
KARMIC TENDENCIES: Coarse and sensual, self-indulgent, unrestrained; involved
with mystical, magical or occult forces.
When favorably aspected, Jupiter shows one's tendency to benevolence and jovial
disposition. These natives are courteous, refined, law abiding, and honorable.
When adversely aspected, it denotes lawlessness, self-indulgence, carelessness
in meeting obligations, and gluttony which results in ill-health.
Medically, Jupiter in the natal chart rules the liver, the main organ for balance
and detoxification, reception of the intestinal portal circulation, and control
of fat utilization. Thus, Jupiter rules fat metabolism. It rules the arterial
blood, and the functions of digestive assimilation, especially in regards to
the liver. Jupiter also rules the adrenals and the storage of glycogen, and
thus has influence over the stamina and muscular power. The placement of Jupiter
points to those herbs and dietetics that will best suit the native for detoxification
and periodic cleansing of the bowels and thus the liver.
Although Jupiter by nature is benefic, it has a malefic influence when in hard
aspect to the Sun, Moon or Ascendant; and in the sixth house. Most of its maladies
are accentuated by indiscretions in diet leading to blood disorders, toxicity,
and fatty accumulations.
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Obesity, toxicity, hypertension, abdominal fullness,
diseases from "high living", stroke, hemorrhagic diseases, jaundice.
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Liver functions, especially detoxification and glycogen
storage, production of urea and bile; fat metabolism; blood and arterial system;
growth hormone.
Jupiter in Libra, when well-aspected, indicates a kind, sympathetic and loving
disposition. These natives are conscientious, sociable and have benevolent natures.
They are popular with the opposite sex and benefit may be expected from their
partners. Success in the business and public life are characteristic. If Jupiter
is afflicted there may be indulgence of the lower natures which will bring troubles
and public scandal with a loss of popularity and prestige. Working in partnership,
joint ventures, and other cooperate efforts is the key to their success.
SUSCEPTIBLE AREAS: Sex organs, legs, head, eyes.
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Diabetes; kidney disease, albumuria, renal tumor and
obstruction, edema; impure blood with sores, ulcers, and pimples; fatty tumors
on the back; ailments and disorders from high living; hypertension, congestive
headaches; adrenal insufficiency and fatigue.
LIVER CLEANSING: Celery and cucumber juices to flush the kidneys and liver.
Jupiter trine Uranus indicates a broad, humane disposition with a tendency to
study metaphysics and the sciences. It favors prophetic vision and extraordinary
insight. Such a person is honest and sincere, sociable, hospitable and likely
to benefit a great deal from influential friends in official positions. This
position also indicates executive ability and success in connection with institutions
of higher learning. The native usually desires to change the status quo with
new innovations.
In Greek, Saturn is known as "kronos", from which our word "chronic" is taken.
Permanent disease is signified by the placement of Saturn in the chart, and
its course and attack by the motion of other planets. Its action signifies binding,
crystallizing, cold, dry, hardening, depleting, obstructing, retarding, and
suppressing. The afflictions of Saturn are for prolonged periods, whereas Mars
afflicts more acutely, for short periods.
Saturn's placement in the chart is associated with the solid matter of one's
body, ruling all dense components and processes. Saturn in any part of the horoscope
is considered an affliction to the zodiac sign, house, and parts of the body
so ruled. It tends to weaken and make one more liable to disease, and the sign
and parts ruled are usually considered the most vulnerable, even to cause death
through disease and malignancy. Those parts ruled at birth by Saturn indicate
reduced nerve and energy supply, insufficient oxygenation, accumulation of tissue
acids, and thus fibrositis, myositis, and rheumatism. The planet Saturn indicates
subnormal conditions by inhibition, retention, and suppression. The medical
astrologers at the turn of the century stated that carcinoma is most liable
to occur in that part ruled by the sign that Saturn is in at birth. Saturn also
has rulership over the blood's clotting factors, the parathyroids, and calcium
Saturn's afflictions come from lack of self control, spiritual development,
and materialistic tendencies. When manifested negatively, Saturn's principle
action is quite simply fear. The hard aspects indicate opportunity to come to
terms with a specific kind of fear. The type of fear is indicated by Saturn's
aspects (conjunct, square or opposition) to the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury or
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Typical Saturnine problems are chronic skin complaints,
stiffness of the joints and muscles, deformity; dental problems; deafness; depression;
slowed atrophy and functioning of the body's processes; scleroses of the body's
tissues, rheumatism from accumulated tissue wastes in the sign or house of the
nativity chart.
Subluxations of the spine are partial dislocations of the vertebra which impinge
and put pressure on the nerves passing through them, shutting off nerve supply
and causing irritation and pain leading to disease. Along the lines of chiropractic
philosophy, health is maintained by a correctly aligned spine that requires
periodic adjustments by manipulative therapy. Palpation and X-ray discover these
deviations but your astrological chart can identify weak areas that will be
chronically affected. Each sign of the zodiac, and malefics placed in them,
tend to afflict the vertebra, especially the vertebra ruled by the sign in which
Saturn is found at birth. Such subluxations tend to be the major one throughout
life. For example, the sign Libra rules the kidneys and if Saturn is here at
birth, the 10th, 11th, 12th dorsals, and 1st lumbar will be afflicted the most,
and this is known before examination. From a chiropractic or osteopathic standpoint,
the emphasis of treatment should be in the area where Saturn was afflicting
at birth as this area will show stasis, restrictions, stiffness, and congestion.
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Skin, bone and joints, teeth, hearing, ossicification.
Saturn in Leo, when well-aspected, indicates favors from people in high social
status and success by obtaining public appointments. The Saturnine virtues of
tact, diplomacy, discretion and executive ability are characteristic. The constitution
of these people is not strong, but they may maintain perfect health by the conservation
of their vital force through diet and hygiene. When Saturn is afflicted however,
they can be cruel and quick-tempered, jealous, and use underhanded methods to
satisfy their ambitions. This position also indicates heart trouble, if not
failure due to overexertion. Pride with a severe attitude are the native's hindrances
to spiritual growth. This position indicates proneness to calcium, magnesium
and potassium deficiencies.
SUSCEPTIBLE AREAS: Sex organs, kidneys.
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Organic weakness of the heart and endocardium, poor
circulation, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, stroke/apoplexy, syncope, cardiac
asthma; spinal problems, stiffness, ankylosis, backache; tendency to low spirits,
nervous disorders; gall stones; genital disorders. Physical strain is harmful
to one's health when Saturn is placed here, the native is prone to back injuries.
Proper physical exercise, however, is vital due to a tendency to a sluggish
heart and poor circulation.
RULING VERTEBRA: Taken as a whole, Leo rules the dorsal spine, but specifically
the 2nd, 3rd, 5th dorsals.
KARMIC TENDENCIES: Death by attack of beasts (cattle, horses, elephants, quadrapeds,
etc. especially if opposite or square the Sun or Moon).
Uranus rules your electrical life breath, and thus your avenues for personal
as well as societal freedom. It indicates potential for originality of thought
and expression, yet its energy is not accessible to much of humanity at this
time. In society it rules the apparently radical ideas and people that are years
ahead of their time. They lead to revolutionary events that upset established
structures. The Aquarian age of which we are now entering is ruled by Uranus.
Its cycle began with the discovery of electricity which it rules and is now
interconnecting everyone on the planet with a synthetic telepathy.
Karmically, all aspects of the personal planets - Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn, or the Ascendant - indicate areas of life where there is
a strong urge for freedom of expression without restraint and the need for constant
stimulation and excitement. This planet also represents the capacity to be high-strung,
excitable, and temperamental. The motives of Uranus thus represent the purpose
of radically repolarizing an individual's past lives, and open one up to new
experience either through stimulating, shocking, and even traumatic crises to
find new ways of living. People who are ruled by Uranus are lovers of freedom,
rebellious at least restraint, intuitive and inventive. They are aviators, high
level mechanics, or deal directly with electricity. It also tends towards erratic
behavior and can make people irritable and brusque in manner.
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Skin, bone and joints, teeth, hearing, ossicification.
Uranus rules all the rhythmic processes of the body. It rules the movement of
the whole digestive tract from mouth to anus. Thus, the common symptom of its
afflictions are spasmodic manifestations and disrupted rhythms - muscles spasms,
shock, cramp, strictures, ruptures, paroxysms, and contortions.
Uranus in Gemini indicates the native is versatile with mental powers indicating
originality, intuition and ingenuity. If Uranus is favorably aspected, success
may come from electronics, aviation, science, metaphysics, and astrology. The
native is alert, progressive, readily grasps new ideas, and is broad minded.
When Uranus is afflicted, the mind is eccentric, and changes from one issue
to another without any definite logic. Adverse aspects also indicate conflicts
with brothers, sisters and neighbors, and liability to accident while on short
journeys. The native is apt to be disliked in their domestic environment.
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Active mind; spasmodic chest pains, abnormal breathing
with nervousness, bronchitis, emphysema, hacking cough, asthma; heart affections;
cramps and muscular spasms in the arms and shoulders; weakened digestion; colds
with hard, dry cough.
ANTISPASMODICS: Dill, fennel, marjoram.
KARMIC TENDENCIES: Sudden illness or accident of the shoulders, arms, hands,
or lungs.
Neptune takes approximately 164 years to orbit the zodiac, taking about 13 years
in each sign. Its position is a kind of cultural expression manifesting itself
with imaginative and creative faculties of a generation. Its location points
to a common spiritual destiny shown by the sign that it occupies. As one gets
older, new generations may then seem strange in style, cultural or artistic
expression, something not innately understood by the native.
People with an afflicted Neptune should always be on guard for deception, trickery,
and fraud. Since each one's life is the outcome of former living, afflictions
of Neptune offer ready channels where enemies from past lives or evil spirits
can gain entry into our sacred temple. Forewarned is forearmed and confrontations
can be stepping stones upward in life, or misery leading to drug abuse and apathy.
Afflictions to Neptune may also indicate a previous life of extreme asceticism
where the physical body was ignored or neglected leading to a leaky aura in
this life. The corroborating symptoms are tiredness and need for a lot of sleep.
There is also susceptibility to tuberculosis as Neptune is the ruler of this
disease. Sunlight counteracts the tubercular diathesis and helps to harden and
anneal an etheric body with a leaky aura. Likewise, a favorably aspected Neptune
may let one drone away one's time, neglecting valuable opportunities offered
for soul growth by following the deceptive lines of least resistance. Neptune
rules illusion and abstract thinking, as well as those areas of life where conditions
are not always what they seem.
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Neptune's placement in the natal chart points to conditions
which are difficult to diagnose, or are wrongly diagnosed. It has rulership
over the aura and etheric body. Its afflictions denote laxity and weakness of
the vital force, and subnormal conditions, as lack of development, undersized
body or organs. Its placement in the chart and hard aspects has a strong rule
over wasting of tissues leading to decay and disintegration. Its pathological
manifestations are lethargy, drug abuse, intoxication, and general lack of tone
throughout the body.
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Pineal gland, appendix, right-brain function.
Neptune in Libra, when well aspected, gives a musical, poetic or artistic temperament.
It indicates a native of a highly spiritual nature which gives the native great
comfort and satisfaction. When Neptune is afflicted in Libra, there is a tendency
to be part of clandestine, unconventional and illegitimate relations, either
of the native or of the partner, according to the nature of the planetary aspects
to Neptune. It also indicates a weak and over-emotional nature which fosters
the dislike of those in their domestic environment. Marriage or business partnerships
may have to be dissolved by litigation with loss to the native.
HERBAL STIMULANTS: Cinnamon, curry.
Just as your Sun sign represents your true identity in this life, Pluto's house
represents an old pattern of identity from the past. It is a past pattern of
life that is carried over into this life. We can say that Pluto's house is that
area of life where complete regeneration is needed. Compulsive behavior and
even ruthlessness needs to be transformed into willful intentions yielding great
powers of perception and insight into the subtle forces of life. Plutonian people
can make great healers simply by touch or vision.
The aspects of Pluto to other planets gives an indication as to how that transformation
can bring new understanding and regeneration. Whether the aspect is "hard" as
in square or opposition, or "easy" as in a trine or sextile, determines whether
one has an innate knowing, or will meet some hard karmic destiny. There is an
enormous potential for power by discovering those fields of experience in the
house of Pluto. It heals when it is tapped.
PATHOLOGICAL TENDENCIES: Medically, Pluto's energy is concerned with eliminative
processes, both physical and spiritual. The energy represented by Pluto is life-giving
and cleansing. Pluto's transits are said to destroy the old forms in order to
bring in the new. It's pathological manifestations are abscesses, malignancies,
ulcers, and poisonous bites.
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Reproduction, defecation, expulsion of waste matter.
Pluto in any sign always represents fundamental change, upheavals, and drastic
transformations. Pluto's period in Leo was from 1938-1957. Leo rules kings and
representatives in government. These children grew up in rebellion either born
during the war years or shortly thereafter. The idea of self-sufficiency bloomed
later in these children, returning to the earth, living in communes and counterculture
societies with a basic distrust of the establishment. Pluto in Leo also marked
the period of atomic energy, which is ruled by Pluto. For the first time in
recent history, man witnessed the atomic bomb. A worldwide power struggle followed
in the form of a cold war.