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Cancer Moon


Your reigning need . .

is to feel familiar with your surroundings so the establishment of a home and garden is something that is important to you and something that you are good at. You are also a sympathetic and caring soul who makes others feel at home as well. However, if you let your need for security and the familiar get the better of your will-power and faith in life itself, then you can wind up feeling uncomfortably needy of others and limiting your sphere of involvement to the point of stagnation.

Behind this is your mother's influence that probably consisted of the best and the worst of maternal love. She cared greatly for you, but used emotional blackmail to ensure that you cared for her. The chances are that you also tend to do this with those to whom you are emotionally attached. It would be wise to put a bit of a space between yourself and your mother - and anyone else in your emotional life. Your emotional responses are wonderfully fluid and elicit strong feelings from others. You yourself can go up and down like a yo-yo! Owing to the fact that your caring ability is so natural, you can tend to overlook it's value - and so then will others. So - without being a mother hen - appreciate that this is a very positive asset of yours.

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