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Capricorn Uranus

Capricorn Uranus

You belong to a generation . . .

(born between 1905 and 1912, or during the late 1980's to mid 1990's) whose intention was, or is, to reform business and governmental practices. There is an inherent danger of an apparently double standard with your generation because the loosening of authority's grip on the status quo can undermine one's own position (witness Mikhail Gorbachev's demise during the latter period). In other words, you are caught with having to create a balance between conserving old and trusted standards, and introducing new and potentially disruptive ones.

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Aries UranusTaurus Uranus Gemini Uranus Cancer Uranus Leo Uranus Virgo Uranus Libra Uranus Scorpio Uranus Sagittarius Uranus Capricorn UranusAquarius Uranus Pisces Uranus
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