Customizing Your Astrology Reports Store |
Branding Reports
- Logo or name/web URL on report front cover.
- Name/web URL on report page footers.
- Logo or name/web URL on all astrology report samples.
Edit Prices & Discounts
- The prices for the reports have a default currency and price setting.
- You can change any of the prices and discounts from within the Management System.
- Contact us for Licensing Details.
- For display on your web site and linked to your store pages.
- Request a trial XML feed for your web master to review.
- We will send you a trial xml feed and pricing information.
- Select from topics of daily, weekly and monthly horoscopes.
- Integrated to your web site and emailed to your clients daily with custom store design option.
Store Images
- You can use existing or substitute with your own store images.