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Goldie Hawn - Io Horoscope Profile
In Part One of
the interpretations you will read two sections concerned with your individual
The first section
describes your ego (sun), emotional make-up (moon), learning and intellectual
orientation (Mercury), relationships and sociability (Venus), and the expression
and focus of your physical energy (Mars).
The second section
describes how well you deal internally with the external situations that you
experience in life. Your capacity for happiness (Jupiter), ability to tolerate
restrictions and frustrations (Saturn), how you are associated with or relate
to new or innovative ideas and methods, and radical ideas and events that upset
the status quo (Uranus), how you are associated with or affected by public ideals,
morality, and spirituality (Neptune), and how you are associated with or affected
by public policies toward crime, toward the power of government and industry,
and toward exploration, development, conservation and distribution of natural
resources (Pluto).
The sun rules will
power and ego. It is the core of your potential and uniqueness as an individual;
who you are and what you are about. It represents the main direction and focus
you want your life to take, and your determination to accomplish what you set
out to do. It is your personal honesty and integrity, and the ability to command
respect and authority, to impress and influence others.
As the eighth sign
of the zodiac, Scorpio represents the eighth stage in the evolution of man and
his place in the universe. This stage is concerned with an emotional development
that goes beyond Cancerian concern with home and family. Scorpio's emotional
involvement is not based on love or pleasure, but on the control and understanding
of human emotions and the role they play in the mysterious process of life and
death. Though all Scorpios do not spend their lives pondering the mysteries
of life and death, most of them are inquisitive, probing individuals. They are
fascinated with how things work, especially people. Their mental and physical
powers of recuperation are remarkable, and truly evolved Scorpios can learn
to use their power to help and inspire others.
Scorpios are stubborn
and impervious to changes not of their own making. However they accomplish many
things in life because of their tenacity in sticking with projects when others
lose patience and stamina. On the surface they may seem easy-going, congenial,
and gregarious but they are also extremely tenacious with a tendency to manipulate
and control. Keys to their success are a strong will and the ability to get
to the bottom of things. They want answers and doggedly persist until they get
them. Astrological symbols for Scorpio are the scorpion and the eagle. They
representative the potency and range of the formidable power and control that
Scorpios can develop.
Scorpios react
emotionally to everything they experience in life. Before they take physical
action, before they sort out the practicality of what they are doing, and before
they reason things out intellectually, they express their feelings. Though their
emotions are the strongest motivational factor in their behavior, unlike the
emotionally oriented Cancerians and Pisceans, Scorpios are not apt to wear their
hearts on their sleeves. They consciously or subconsciously want to dominate
relationships and rarely exhibit emotions openly. Even when they seem to be
open, they always hold back something of themselves. They may not intentionally
want to be mysterious but many of them manage to appear enigmatic anyway. They
do not like being crossed or manipulated, and react to such treatment with sarcasm
and vengefulness.
Modern astrologers
assign Pluto, planet of intensity and depth, as the ruler of Scorpio. Ancient
astrologers (unaware of Pluto's existence) assigned Mars, planet of fire and
energy, as the ruler of Scorpio. Both of these planets can be seen to influence
the nature of those born in Scorpio. The focus and concentration of their expressions
and personality makes them appear magnetic and powerful. The fiery energy of
Mars that is exhibited when they are enthusiastic attracts and inspire others.
Their intensity can be overwhelming but also subtle. Their considerable energy
is not aroused or employed just to have something to do as is often the case
with Aries, the other Mars-ruled personality. Unlike Aries, Scorpio is not openly
combative unless it becomes necessary. Their privacy is tightly protected, and
others get to know them only up to a certain point. They may not show any sign
of inner struggle but when they are after something or someone their determination
is fierce. Should they not be favored in the outcome, they are not willing or
gracious losers. They are not arrogant and, in fact, are quite interested in
others and what others have to say. However they often exhibit a self-sufficiency
that implies there isn't much they don't already know.
Scorpios have a
strong, competitive nature. With little effort they become exceptional athletes.
They want real challenges and will not easily suffer would-be competitors who
do not possess skills that are equal to their own. They enjoy sports that require
strength, swiftness, and cunning. Body-building, soccer, hockey, hunting, swimming,
scuba diving, and spelunking are favorite activities. Scorpio is associated
with the mythical phoenix rising from the ashes. This symbol not only represents
their own recuperative powers, it also represents their resourceful ability
to create something new out of something old or useless. Recycling, and renovating
homes and other buildings are typical projects for which they are well suited.
Creative potentials include those who are outstanding cooks, writers, designers,
and composers. Their shrewdness in assessing value makes them excellent real
estate agents and developers, bankers, stockbrokers, and financial planners.
Scorpio colors
are red, black, midnight blue, and emerald green. Vulnerable parts of the body
are the reproductive organs and excretory system. Headaches, infections, and
fevers are Scorpio complaints. Topaz is Scorpio's birthstone. The Roman naturalist,
Pliny the Elder, traced the name to the Island of Topazos which, in Greek means
"to guess. " This meaning is a fair description of the inquisitive, mystery-loving
nature of Scorpio. Topaz, one of the hardest minerals, cannot be cut with a
knife. It is yet another representation of the impenetrable Scorpio nature.
Scorpio flowers include the anemone, heather, and gardenia.
The moon rules
desire as opposed to ego, need as opposed to expediency or reason. It describes
how you feel about yourself, how you handle relationships, and how you emotionally
respond to situations and experiences. It describes the flow of your daily functions;
physical, emotional, and mental. The moon represents your residence and domestic
environment. It rules babies and young children, your mother and other important
females in your life.
Those born with
the moon in an Air sign usually respond to situations in a way they think should
fit the facts, that is, they act in a way they think others expect them to act,
or they imitate the same behavior as others. This gives them the appearance
of emotional coolness or non-involvement. Before turning a situation into a
physical experience, and before considering the stability or practicality of
the thing, or even how they may really feel about it, they tend to do and say
what seems appropriate as if it were not really happening to them. In spite
of what appears to be their analytical detachment, most of them are loving and
loyal in relationships. As lunar Air sign personalities, those with moon in
Gemini can sometimes take their intellectual approach too far. Constant analyzing,
rationalization, and acting as though they had already experienced something
instead of just thinking or talking about it, can prevent them from ever doing
it. They are talkative, mentally alert, and curious about everything. Always
looking for some kind of intellectual stimulation, they get bored by repetitive
tasks and the same environment day after day. Attracted by intrigue and idle
gossip, they pay too much attention to what everyone else is doing. Restless
and impatient, they do not always take time to get all the facts before repeating
things. As eager to share information as they are to receive it, many of them
are talented teachers, writers, and communicators of one sort or another.
Gemini moon personalities
are emotionally adaptable. A dual-natured flexibility allows them to say or
do one thing with apparent ease, even though what they really think and feel
may be quite different. They instinctively understand what others want to hear
and what to do to please them, but they don't always know how to make themselves
happy. Though quite willing to discuss others, they can be secretive about themselves.
Their outer personality may be bright and optimistic but they can harbor inner
feelings of loneliness. Moon in Gemini personalities love secrets and solving
puzzles. They have highly sensitive nervous systems and, in order to maintain
proper physical and mental health, they need to be given varied tasks and opportunities
for frequent change of scene or alterations in their daily routine.
Women with Gemini
moon are talented with their hands. Though efficient and organized, a certain
restlessness makes it difficult for them to remain content with household chores.
Men with Gemini moon are quite charming but their temperaments are not particularly
suited to sustained passion in themselves or tolerating emotional hysteria in
Mercury indicates
mental outlook, intellectual endeavors, the way you think and communicate. It
represents ideas, methods, and information. It rules your hands and thus your
manual dexterity and mechanical skills. Mercury also describes transportation;
that is, how you get where you're going physically and mentally. Do you speed
with all possible haste or amble along taking a few detours here and there?
Those with natal
Mercury in Sagittarius have enthusiastic, adaptable intellects. Their interests
are varied and they quickly learn what they want to know. If they don't have
a natural inclination for a subject, or even for school in general, it is difficult
for them to stay very long in the confining routine of formal education. Many
of these individuals possess considerable gifts for mimicry and oratory. Very
independent in their ideas and opinions, they learn best by traveling and circulating
in various groups and in different places. When communicating opinions and ideas,
they have a tendency to be very direct, sometimes to the point of what others
consider tactless. They may be very spiritually oriented, and have a great fondness
for art or politics. When it comes to learning and transportation, they can
be found rushing from place to place, but they are also capable of ambling along,
taking every interesting detour that catches their fancy.
Venus rules your
social attitudes and behavior, and your aesthetic tastes and inclinations. It
is female relationships and social interactions at every level. Venus indicates
your values. It describes romance, marriage and other partnerships, capacity
for humor, and the pursuit of pleasure.
Social attitudes
and behavior of individuals with natal Venus in Scorpio are strongly influenced
by their emotional needs. They are not usually shy and, in fact, many of them
are quite gregarious. How much attention they seek for themselves is determined
by other factors. They have a strong, passionate nature that they must control
if they wish to avoid being possessive, obsessive, or jealous. Even those who
seem outwardly easy-going will consciously or subconsciously seek to control
relationships. They are not ones to mince words or engage in idle flattery.
Many of their interactions with others, even fleeting or superficial contacts,
are apt to be tinged with a certain intensity. Social instincts can be remarkably
keen, and their actions in this regard are direct and purposeful though not
always obvious or open.
Mars rules physical
energy and efforts. It describes the strength and direction of the physical
force that drives your ego, fires your emotions, and encourages your mental
endeavors and communicative skills. It describes male relationships and associations,
risk-taking inclinations, and the physical challenges you are likely to encounter.
Mars in Leo individuals
are likely to be very generous with their time and attention. Inclined toward
grandiose gestures and improbable schemes, whatever they do is usually done
in a big way. Sometimes their energy and enthusiasm are such inspirational forces
they are actually able to accomplish some of the seemingly impossible things
they set out to do. Strong determination is another important factor in their
stunning accomplishments. If they allow stubborn pride to interfere, however,
they can waste valuable time. Their efforts may be very creative, though they
may need to be reminded of practical considerations and assisted by those more
attentive to mundane details.
Jupiter rules your
potential for growth and expansion on many levels; physical, intellectual, spiritual,
cultural, and the accumulation of material assets, power, and status. It describes
your optimism and aspirations. It represents your father and his position in
Individuals with
Jupiter in Libra are often dependent for personal growth on the stimulation
they derive from others, and the contacts they make by constant interactions
with others. Working in partnership, joint ventures, and other cooperate efforts
is the key to their success. Jupiter's influence in Libra indicates increased
capacity to get along with, and favorably influence others. It also indicates
an inspired sense of justice. The desire they have for growth is generally in
an intellectual or aesthetic area. To attain what they seek, these individuals
have to deal successfully with Jupiter's tendency for overabundance and LibraÕs
need to strike a balance between excess and austerity.
Saturn rules responsibilities,
restrictions and limitations you are apt to encounter, and the lessons you must
learn in life. It does not deny or diminish imagination, inspiration, spirituality,
and good fortune but it does demand that these things be given structure and
Individuals with
Saturn in Cancer find their home or domestic life limited in some way. Family
responsibilities may severely limit their own activities. They may be deprived
of a home or family when young, or, as adults their efforts to establish their
own home or family may be restricted. The nurturing they received or their own
nurturing abilities may be limited. Relationships with women and young children
are also liable to be inhibited. There is also the positive potential that their
creative talents will be constructively developed and applied.
Uranus rules personal
as well as societal freedom. It indicates originality of thought and expression.
In society it rules radical ideas and people as well as revolutionary events
that upset established structures. Uranus takes approximately seven years to
transit one sign, taking about 84 years to complete all twelve signs. Since
groups of people with Uranus in the same sign are separated by 84 years, the
influence of this planet in a sign is generational. The personal implications
of Uranus in your life are described by its house position and the aspects it
makes with other planets in your natal chart. It describes areas of unpredictability,
and where you or your life style may be different than those around you. It
relates to the unusual or unique. Friends and associations to which you belong
are also indicated, as is your potential involvement with science and technology,
computers, and the media.
The generation
of individuals born with natal Uranus in Gemini want freedom of speech and communication.
Research and development of innovative technology and methods of communication
are eagerly undertaken. All new ideas get attention, and freedom of information
is emphasized.
Neptune rules those
who are oppressed or abandoned; the misfits of society. On a higher level it
rules visionaries, and those who are glamorous and charismatic. It represents
spirituality, mysticism, and ideals. Neptune is in one sign for approximately
thirteen years, taking about 164 years to complete its cycle through all twelve
signs. Since 164 years separate people born during its transit of one sign and
those born when it returns, Neptune's significance in any sign is described
as generational or historical. On a personal level, Neptune's house position
and the aspects it makes with other planets in your natal chart will describe
spirituality, abstract thinking, illusion, disillusionment, and other areas
of your life where things aren't always what they seem. It rules derangement,
guilt, persecution, and describes the potential for experiences related to confinement,
abandonment, and addiction or physical intolerance to drugs.
During the most
recent period of Neptune in Libra in 1942-1957 the establishment of the United
Nations was typical of the Libran effort to establish peace. Neptune's influence
is also evident since the U. N. has had minimal effect in accomplishing its
goals. Equality (Libra) for minorities (Neptune) may get attention but real
solutions may prove illusive.
Pluto takes approximately
248 years to make one cycle through all twelve signs. The period Pluto spends
in each sign can vary from twelve years to thirty two years due to the eccentricity
of its orbit. Like atomic energy (a force ruled by Pluto), the presence and
direction of Pluto's energy are never obvious until it is used. PlutoÕs
influence in any sign is interpreted as generational or historical. In your
personal life, Pluto's significance is interpreted from its house position and
the aspects it makes to other natal planets in your horoscope. Pluto rules intense
energy, and describes the areas in which you consciously or subconsciously seek
to exercise power or control. Pluto is also linked to your karmic responsibility,
and in this respect, it describes the areas where you must gain the deepest
level of understanding.
Pluto's last period
in Leo was 1938-1957. Leo rules the king or representative government. During
Pluto's transit of Leo in the late 1600's and early 1700's, John Locke, philosopher
of the English Revolution and American Revolution, wrote his famous essays stating
that governments existed by virtue of voluntary agreements and their function
was to protect the rights of individuals.
In Part Two you
will read about the twelve houses of the horoscope. The houses represent areas
of life in which you operate on a daily basis. You will read descriptions of
how you handle the circumstances you encounter in each of these areas, according
to your nature, personality and other traits as they are outlined in Part One.
The first house
and the sign that rules the first house, which is also known as the Ascendant
or Rising sign, describes your outer personality and physical attributes. To
some extent it also describes your health and the type of illnesses you may
A Capricorn Ascendant
indicates individuals with energetic, success-oriented personalities, and determination
to satisfy their personal goals. The shrewdness and open ambition associated
with the sun or moon in Capricorn does not always show up so overtly in the
personality of those with Capricorn Ascendant but these traits are present nevertheless.
Most of them are very capable managers and supervisors, willing to accept responsibilities
and positions of authority.
They strongly identify
with the material world and tangible assets. Unless other factors in their personalities
or backgrounds interfere, they are not likely to adopt easy-going, "take me
as I am" attitudes. They feel more comfortable with formality. They want to
be aware of all the rules of social conduct and adapt their actions to fit these
structures. Consciously or subconsciously they specifically choose the company
of people who make them look good. It is not unusual for handsome Capricorn
Rising males to select less attractive wives or, beautiful Capricorn Rising
women to select less attractive female friends.
Capricorn is ruled
by Saturn, planet of structure, restriction and longevity. It is often an indication
of a difficult birth or restricted childhood. However, it doesn't matter what
particular difficulties life presents to these individuals, their biggest challenge
is always themselves. They are apt to be disappointed with some aspect of their
personalities or appearance and may develop conflicting behavior to deal with
these feelings when they surface. Some of these individuals practice strict
self denial, while others abandon themselves to hedonistic pleasures as a form
of self destruction. They may even exhibit both types of behavior. At every
turn they confront fears and insecurity. How well they deal with the conflict
marks their success as well adjusted adults. Capricorn ruling the first house
raises the competitive spirit and by no means dictates the presence of a somber
or colorless personality. On the contrary, it implies individuals who are apt
to possess overcompensating cheerful personalities, and they willingly accept
responsibilities and hardships which they are apt to feel they were born to
endure. There is always a choice to be made, and the right one is never easy
because it usually involves success which must be earned.
Capricorn Ascendant
is usually indicative of abstemious eating habits which help these individuals
avoid gaining too much weight. Sensitive skin, finely textured hair, brittle
bones, and dental difficulties are apt to be their common physical complaints
The second house
describes material assets, how you handle monetary income, and the potential
ways it may be earned. It also indicates the values and priorities you establish
throughout life.
Aquarius ruling
the second house indicates individuals whose material assets, as well as priorities
and value systems are vulnerable to sudden change. If they have little wealth
this influence holds the promise of improvement in monetary circumstances. If,
on the other hand, they have many material resources, this warns of the danger
these assets may be suddenly lost. Their attitude toward spending can vary considerably
from one time to the next. They might feel very conservative for a while and
then suddenly rationalize why they should go ahead and spend money rather than
save it. They are not likely to be dedicated to making money for its own sake.
The personal freedom that accompanies wealth is more apt to be their main goal.
It is hard to predict what values they will espouse, but they are probably not
very traditional, or at least go against the present trend of societal thinking
when it comes to money. Sticking to their priorities follows the same unpredictable
course as trying to establishing what they are.
The third house
describes your mental state, intellectual orientation, self-expression and communication,
early education, mechanical dexterity and skills, immediate environment (neighborhood),
and siblings. It indicates physical actions, and transportation, especially
within your immediate environment. To a certain extent the third house also
describes the job or health of your father.
Pisces ruling the
third house indicates those with developed intuitions and special interest in
spiritual matters and occult subjects. They are apt to have high intelligence
but also mental laziness, an unwillingness to explore areas of thought that
appear to be too much work. A parent, in most cases the father, is apt to be
employed in fishing or maritime industries, chemistry, photography, medicine
(especially homeopathy, podiatry, or cosmetic surgery), psychology, areas involving
feet which could mean working in a shoe store to being a dancer, or areas that
involve minority groups, the disabled or institutionalized. He may suffer hypochondria,
mental confusion, or hard to diagnose illness. Pisces ruling the third house
may also mean individuals who are particularly sensitive even clairvoyant with
siblings. There is also the possibility of loss of siblings, or siblings with
drug dependencies. Illegal drugs may be used or sold by neighbors. There can
be mental confusion, and it helps if these individuals spend a certain amount
of time alone or in quiet environments, especially near the ocean. They like
to use a pet name or alias, and (unless they develop a fear of water) enjoy
travel by boat.
The fourth house
describes your residence, domestic environment, and family members, especially
your mother. It indicates the beginning as well as the end of various cycles
in your life.
Aries ruling the
fourth house indicates individuals whose energy and vitality are primarily linked
to family or to some aspect of home or domestic life. This description can have
a wide range of potential outcomes. It may indicate for instance, that their
occupations involve real estate, interior design, architecture, or family counseling,
or, that their business is operated in their homes. The Aries influence in the
case of some of these individuals, may also mean fear of their parents or that
one of their parents, most likely the mother, may be domineering. There is also
the negative possibility of a volatile, sometimes violent domestic life. Fire
is also a potential hazard. On the positive side, the Aries influence implies
very active domestic lifestyles, and that their homes are likely to be designed
or decorated with a distinctly masculine orientation. If given the opportunity,
they will want to build their own homes. They may be the first ones to live
in a particular area, perhaps as an unconscious reflection of the pioneering
spirit associated with the Aries influence on their fourth house.
The fifth house
describes your creative talent and imaginative powers, capacity for enjoyment
and the pursuit of pleasure, romance, children, and speculative ventures.
Taurus ruling the
fifth house indicates individuals with potential for raising the pursuit of
pleasure to a fine art. They are apt to have merry, sociable and generous natures,
with the capacity to genuinely enjoy the physical pleasures life has to offer.
They may be just plain lucky as well. They may, for example, be very obese but
dress with such good taste they manage to look good anyway, or they are able
to move gracefully despite their size. They are apt to have such wonderful manners
and personal charm others don't notice or become offended if they happen to
overindulge themselves. They may be the world's great lovers and their conquests
don't seem to mind being only one in a long line of romantic partners. A fifth
house Taurean influence indicates artistic creativity and many of them are talented
stage or costume designers, musicians, artists, writers or illustrators. They
are likely to have wonderful rapport with children, understanding what activities
will amuse and entertain them. Negative potentials for Taurus on the fifth house
include individuals with problems concerning children or romance, or who have
bad luck in speculative ventures.
The sixth house
describes your job, daily responsibilities (paid and unpaid), and those who
work for or with you. It also represents your health, and physical fitness.
Gemini ruling the
sixth house indicates individuals who tend to keep very busy whether they have
a job or work in the home. However, it doesn't mean they always accomplish their
tasks. They can, for example, become involved with too many projects at one
time and never quite get any of them finished. Or they may be preoccupied with
unnecessary details or needless tasks they are convinced need doing. They enjoy
work that involves a wide variety of tasks and frequent change of schedule or
change of scene. The influence of Gemini also implies they may have more than
one job at a time. It also suggests individuals who work as librarians, writers,
researchers, teachers, trainers, physical fitness experts, or who work in communication,
sales, or with computers. They may work or have interest in geography, geology,
weather, stamp collecting, and travel. Whatever their job happens to be, they
can usually be depended on to generate a lot of paperwork, reports, memos, and
Uranus in the sixth
house indicates those who seek a job that allows maximum personal freedom. The
ideal situation is to work for themselves. If that isn't possible, the next
best thing is to be able to select their own schedule, set their own deadline,
and work at their own pace. It is difficult for them to sit still for long periods
of time or be saddled with repetitive, uninteresting tasks. If the challenge
of the job fades, they may either quit and go on to something else, or find
ways to make their work more exciting. These individuals are apt to experience
many changes of employment. Their job may unexpectedly or abruptly be terminated,
but they are just as likely to leave on their own out of boredom and restlessness.
They may be attracted to unusual lines of work. More traditional areas in which
they are likely to be employed include medicine, computers, sales, social work,
international finance, fund raising, electronics, or teaching. Though these
individuals may be very healthy most of the time, the influence of Uranus implies
that illness tends to occur suddenly or unexpectedly, and at highly inconvenient
times. These individuals may adopt unorthodox or unusual methods to maintain
their health and physical fitness.
Moon in the sixth
house indicates vulnerability to a continuing variety of medical complaints,
especially stomach or digestive disorders. The ailments of these individuals
are usually not major threats but can disrupt their work and routine schedules.
They are apt to operate a business from their home, or seek jobs related to
homes, food, family life, women, or children. They develop mothering instincts
and other strong emotional identification toward those who work for or with
them. They may work better with women than with men. Work habits may be inconsistent
as is their ability to stay in jobs. Their general health and psychological
outlook are strongly affected by their work, and when the work environment or
responsibilities are upsetting for some reason, inefficiency and absences are
the result.
Moon opposite Mercury
indicates those who often find themselves in situations where their knowledge
or skills are inadequate. Their first inclinations are to scramble to keep up,
stall, or even misrepresent facts until they can find out what they need to
know. They may be very organized but are always losing papers or missing details.
Maturity and other factors in their personalities can reduce the worst influence
of this aspect, especially since it does not imply lack of intelligence, which
in many of these individuals is apt to be high. Nervous energy keeps them on
the go, and their health can suffer from lack of proper rest.
The seventh house
relates to marriage and partnership or joint ventures of any kind. It describes
how you interact with people and how others tend to regard you. The seventh
house is associated with legal matters, negotiations, contracts, and all open
confrontations, pleasant as well as adversarial.
Cancer ruling the
seventh house indicates those who are often the beneficiaries of valuable assistance.
Whether or not they ask for it, they engender strong, protective or nurturing
instincts in others. When these individuals achieve outstanding success, there
is a good chance it was not without impressive help from others. They are vulnerable
to the influence of others, and though there are usually some differences between
the type of influence a seventh-house Cancer has on males as opposed to females,
the influence can be interchangeable in one form or another. In a male's chart,
it indicates he is likely to select a wife who strongly resembles or exhibits
the characteristics of his mother. He may marry a woman that adopts a mother's
role toward him as well as that of a wife. It is also possible he will marry
someone younger than himself. A female with this Cancerian influence usually
exhibits strong emotional identification with her husband. She will be dominated
by marrying a man with a forceful nature, or indirectly dominated by his money
or status. Even if the marriage fails, she may have difficulty finding psychological
release from her relationship. The positive side of CancerÕs influence
is the potential for close, loving relationships.
For those with
Saturn in the seventh house, the biggest lessons in life involve relationships
and how well they relate to other people in general. It is hard for them to
establish quick or light-hearted contacts with others. Whether or not these
individuals encourage it, others may regard them as an authority figure or at
least very competent in some area. As a result, they either keep themselves
in a constant state of turmoil trying to live up to what they think others expect
of them, or they may totally avoid making commitments to others. They are apt
to experience difficulty in getting others to cooperate. For them, marriage
will not be without responsibilities. They may not succeed should they marry
in haste, or their spouse may be sickly or a burden in some way. Other potentials
include those for whom marriage is simply an easy path to security, those who
marry someone much older, and those who develop such negative opinions about
marriage that they avoid it altogether. In spite of these possibilities, Saturn
does not doom the prospects for wedded bliss. Many of these individuals enjoy
stable, long-lasting unions. If adversity does come along, it can make the alliance
even stronger. Others may think these individuals have gained little or nothing
by marriage. However, these individuals, as well as their spouses, may not share
or be the least bit adversely influenced by such outside opinions.
Mars in the seventh
house indicates those who put much vitality and energy into relationships, marriage,
business partnerships or joint ventures, and dealing with other people in general.
They enthuse and encourage others to be sure, but they also rely on others to
engender and constantly rekindle energy and vitality within themselves. Being
cut off from the stimulation of interactions, or working alone can be detrimental
to developing motivations they need to get things done. Marriage or business
partnerships may not always be easy to establish. Their energy and activities
may be sapped or overshadowed by an overly aggressive partner. They are apt
to encounter or initiate many open confrontations. Negative factors in their
personality or background can mean argumentative and even violent encounters,
and loss of a partner through accident. These individuals may seek a career
in law or contract negotiation, or marry someone who works in these areas.
MARS conjunct SATURN
Mars conjunct Saturn
indicates a major conflict between what these individuals want to do and what
they may be forced to do. In youth they are apt to have confrontations with
authority, even though consciously or subconsciously they want order and structure
in their lives. They are apt to hold in anger and frustration until it surfaces
in unwise actions that cause accidents or other regrettable situations. On the
positive side, these individuals have organization and a sense of structure
and purpose. Administrative skills that many of them possess ultimately place
them in important positions of authority.
The eighth house
is related to taxes, debt, death, legacies, and the income you receive through
marriage or business partner(s). It describes your resourcefulness, and your
ability to develop and use material assets as well as personal skills and abilities.
The eighth house also indicates sexual attitudes and behavior.
LEO on the 8th
Leo ruling the
eighth house indicates those who are well aware of their own worth as individuals
and the worth of material assets. Their ego is directly linked to their sense
of self-worth, and it becomes a viable, if sometimes hidden part of their strength
as individuals. Many are shrewd manipulators of resources and assets, their
own as well as others. They may be original and clever in finding ways to conserve
and make use of resources. They may have little urge to promote what they do
in a public manner, and may even fail to be recognized for their accomplishments
until after their death. However, they do seek power to manipulate and control
behind the scenes. They are apt to be guarded about their privacy, and may be
purposely secretive. LeoÕs influence suggests the possibility of research
and investigative talent as well as the ability to understand the psychology
of human motivation.
Pluto in the eighth
house indicates those who possess formidable strength and endurance; a truly
remarkable life force. However, Pluto in the eighth house also indicates those
with a dark side to their nature, a side that can cause cynicism and despair.
PlutoÕs influence in the eighth house implies a strong sexual appetite
that often plays a major positive or negative role in their life. Sexual urges
can be and often are sublimated into other activities, but however they choose
to apply such energy, indifference to sex is unlikely to occur. The ability
to concentrate their energy and attention helps these individuals develop remarkable
investigative and research skills. They are resourceful and observant, with
great interest in human motivations and behavior. Pluto's influence in the eighth
house indicates secrecy and hidden control or manipulation related to sexual
matters, legacies, debts, joint income and other resources.
The ninth house
describes higher education, advanced training, publishing, publicity, advertising,
politics, foreign travel, foreign studies, religious and philosophical views
and activities, and cultural pursuits. It relates to court decisions, a second
marriage, and in-laws. To a certain extent the ninth house also describes the
job or health of your mother.
Virgo ruling the
ninth house indicates those concerned with higher education, philosophy, religion,
art, and foreign cultures. It is also an indication of desire to travel to foreign
countries, being educated or trained in a foreign country, and earning advanced
degrees in more than one subject. Their mothers may be teachers, writers, or
work with unions, the handicapped, sick, or minority groups. These individuals
are apt to write, or work in publishing, advertising, sales, diplomacy, the
judicial system, anthropology, travel, teaching, or politics. The negative potential
includes the possibility of lacking the means with which to pursue advanced
degrees, lack of ability or patience to pursue education, faulty memory, trouble
with in-laws, and limited mechanical ability. It can also mean individuals guilty
of sermonizing, demagoguery, or moral righteousness. There is however, sure
to be a measure of intellectual curiosity, and even if they are prone more to
gossip than study, they may still be clever enough to learn what they need or
want to know.
NEPTUNE in 9th
Neptune in the
ninth house indicates those who are highly intelligent but also vulnerable to
mental confusion, fanaticism or misplaced idealism. They may be totally organized
and efficient in some things, while appallingly inattentive to facts and details
in others. Depending on other factors in their personality and background, they
may be a dangerous master of the art of deception or a highly successful promoter.
They are apt to have interest in religion and spiritualism. Neptune's negative
influence includes the possibility of disillusionment, deception, or illegal
activities in a foreign country or involving foreigners. On the positive side,
NeptuneÕs influence can mean that their experiences with those of another
race or culture may be highly inspirational or spiritual. Neptune in the ninth
house implies work or interest in publishing (especially of occult or religious
writing) or counseling. These individuals are also compassionate judges and
sensitive teachers. A ninth house Neptune suggests a parent (mother) or a sibling's
spouse may suffer from disabilities, drugs or alcohol, or they may be employed
in a job that involves maritime industry, religion, photography, medicine, psychology,
footwear, or those who are institutionalized, disabled, or minorities. Relations
with in-laws, a second marriage, and court decisions can become confused or
undermined by deception, misunderstandings, or other influences.
JUPITER in 9th
Jupiter in the
ninth house indicates those with intellectual curiosity, independent attitudes,
idealism, and quickness of mind. They have great respect for knowledge, but
there is no guarantee these individuals will be motivated to pursue higher education.
It does suggest however, that they have a nose for news as well as gossip. Avid
readers of newspapers and magazines, they are usually very well informed concerning
political and social issues. There is potential talent for languages, diplomacy,
or arbitration. They enjoy traveling, cultural pursuits, gambling, sports and
other activities that offer intellectual and physical challenge. They have a
strong religious or spiritual nature, a wonderful sense of humor, and a gift
for story telling. Negative factors in their personality or background can mean
mental laziness, disorganization, dishonesty, and a strong flair for exaggeration
and overestimation.
Jupiter trine Uranus
implies a generation that is fortunately affected in the sense that societal
conditions afford them technology to make life easier. There may be a new order
of thinking that destroys societal prejudice and various other institutional
structures that might in the past have hindered their progress as member of
a generation and consequently as individuals.
The tenth house
describes your career and other long-range goals, public reputation, superiors
and those in authority. It also relates to your father and his influence in
your life.
Libra ruling the
tenth house indicates individuals who attract attention because of their physical
appearance, artistic talent, position in society, or simply because they enjoy
being in the spotlight. The influence of Libra on the tenth house is an indication
of the need for these individuals to strike a balance between home and family
and their careers or long range goals. Their destiny is to have both of those
directions satisfied and equally represented in order to achieve true happiness
and success. It doesn't mean they have to have a career but in addition to family
responsibilities, they must establish (and achieve) personal goals that help
them realize their potential as individuals. The reverse is also true, their
careers or personal goals must not be accomplished at the expense of family
relationships. The negative potential can mean difficult and antisocial relationships
with parents (most likely the father) as well as with supervisors or other authority
figures in general.
Venus in the tenth
house indicates those who tend to get noticed because of their talent, looks,
charming personality, or all three of these assets. Unless factors in their
background have resulted in the development of shyness or other inhibitions,
they derive a great deal of pleasure from performing in public. They are excellent
ad libers, impromptu speechifiers and toastmasters. Negative potential includes
those who become an over dramatic, non-appeasable seeker of the spotlight who
selfishly uses relationships to further their own career or goals. It can also
mean difficult relationships with family and authority figures. The positive
influence of Venus suggests great popularity and friends in prominent positions.
The father may be especially handsome or possess artistic talent.
The implication
of Venus square Pluto is that these individuals will pay a price for their relationships.
No matter how easy or exciting relationships start out, they invariably come
to include manipulation and power plays. If these individuals fail to cooperate
with the manipulations of others or they seek to gain too much control themselves,
the only alternative may be utter loneliness. Much, however, will be gained
if they learn to minimize their own need for control and tactfully sidestep
others who try to exert control.
The eleventh house
rules friendships, organizations to which you belong, and income derived from
self-employment or career (as opposed to wages earned from a job). It relates
to the role you play in the lives of others as child, parent, lover, spouse,
friend, social or business associate. The eleventh house also describes your
hopes and aspirations and capacity for happiness.
SCORPIO on 11th
Scorpio ruling
the eleventh house indicates individuals who are likely to find that one of
their central themes in life is a constant analysis and re-analysis of exactly
what makes them happy. To accommodate what may be intense desire to find true
happiness, they may attempt completely new beginnings by making new friends
in a new environment, or establish friendships solely to improve their social
status or to gain some other material advantage. ScorpioÕs influence
indicates potential for these individuals to regard their friends and memberships
in certain organizations as valuable personal resources that give them a more
powerful personal image. Another strong possibility that occurs under Scorpio's
influence, especially in those with more aggressive personalities, is the conscious
or subconscious need to manipulate and control organizations to which they belong,
as well as their friendships. Those with rather shy or more vulnerable natures
may be the victims, and it is they who are manipulated or taken advantage of.
Whether by choice or circumstance there is secrecy or mystery connected with
friendships and/or organizations to which they belong.
SUN in 11th HOUSE
Sun in the eleventh
house indicates those whose personal identification in life is tied to friendships,
social contacts, children for whom they are responsible, and organizations to
which they belong. They may be excellent managers of organizations but inattentive
in handling their personal affairs. Business acumen can bring wealth and status
but they may prefer to remain in humble or temporary surroundings that do not
require attention or care. Wide-ranging goals supersede their desire to be confined
by too many material possessions. However, they can never have too many friends
or amusements. Their ego is thrust outward into society, which means their activities
and talents must be expressed in that direction. They are natural promoters
and fund raisers.
SUN trine MARS
Sun trine Mars
indicates individuals with assertiveness and self confidence, even when it is
not justified which can lead to some rash behavior as well as great courage.
The energy with which they approach things may not take into account the facts,
but their physical energy is apt to be so well integrated into their ego drives,
they are sure they are on the right track. Overriding any mistakes they just
keep going until success is won. The fruits of their actions are usually successful,
though they may tend to take too much for granted.
Sun trine Saturn
indicates individuals with a certain type of luck. There is no lucky throw of
the dice they can count on, it is usually luck they make for themselves. They
may not win at horse races, but they will always come out ahead in situations
where they have worked hard and for which they have prepared well. Their own
actions or other people impressed with their past prudence and hard work provide
any additional help they need to get ahead.
The twelfth house
describes the private and hidden side of life; your subconscious mind, dreams,
the past, and those who wish you harm or work against your interests. The twelfth
house relates to sorrow, disappointment, loss, solitude or confinement, hidden
fears and worry. It also has connection with the job or health of your marriage
or business partner.
12th HOUSE
Sagittarius ruling
the twelfth house indicates those with a remarkable inability to worry. It isn't
that they don't worry at all, but they seem to have a sixth sense that everything
will turn out for the best. In fact in some cases, they may never even get that
far; they just go ahead and take a chance on situations others would never dare
attempt. Sagittarius is expansive thinking and the twelfth house does not present
a clear sense of reality. This can mean individuals who are never quite certain
of their own limitations, and what is possible and what is not possible. Sagittarius
indicates help from unknown or unexpected sources, though it also implies they
may receive help through their marriage partners. They are apt to be interested
in studying occult subjects and subconscious levels of existence, and many of
these individuals have highly developed instincts or intuition. There is also
the potential for great spirituality. On a mundane level it can mean a special
fondness for gambling, horses, the theater, art, and dancing.
MERCURY in 12th
Mercury in the
twelfth house indicates those who tend to keep many of their ideas and thoughts
to themselves. It also implies they are able to think better when they are alone
or in quiet environments. They are apt to be interested in studying dreams,
the subconscious, and ESP. Their thinking may not be in the least bit faulty
but it is often likely to be based as much on instinct or intuition as it is
on logic or reasoning. Sometimes this type of thinking works, and sometimes
they need to get a clearer sense of reality. If there are negative factors in
their personality or background, it can mean depression and becoming a prisoner
of their own mind. Mercury's positive potential includes a photographic memory,
fabulous imagination, remarkable investigative skills, and the ability to become
a master of disguise. Their work may involve something normally hidden or out
of sight to others. It may also involve writing, computers, and communications,
especially in areas related to hospitals, prisons, or charitable institutions.
Mercury's influence in the twelfth house also includes secret activities or
dealing with secret communications, ciphers or other forms of code.
MERCURY sextile
Mercury sextile
Jupiter indicates those who find or are given many opportunities to demonstrate
their intellectual, communicative or artistic skills. Most of these opportunities
should be viewed as chances to acquire knowledge or an education or to further
develop their talents and skills rather than ways to gain immediate monetary
success, public recognition, or other tangible benefits.
MERCURY opposite
Mercury opposite
Uranus indicates those apt to possess remarkable intelligence and perception.
Their trouble is often a matter of avoiding mental confusion, otherwise it is
impossible to coordinate and clearly communicate their thoughts and ideas. Easily
distracted they find it difficult to relax. Their physical movements are apt
to be quite jerky and often result in bumping into things. |