State-of-the-Art charting for your Macintosh -Io Edition is more powerful than ever! |
Io Edition was created with the professional astrologer in mind.
Io Edition quickly generates a wide array of sophisticated charts and tables. |
The new Io Edition 5.0 has impressive new features |
The Advanced Transit Search has newly expanded search capabilities.
Io Cartography, which can be added on to Edition, is our new cutting edge locational astrology module creates maps of stunning detail. |
A large selection of charts |
Natal & Sunrise
Synastry tables
Solar Arc Directions
Solar and Lunar Returns
Graphic Ephemerides in 30°, 45°, and 90° moduli
American and European wheel styles, bi-wheels, tri-wheels, quad-wheels, 360° and 90° wheels.
Io Cartography (can be purchased with Io Edition)
Midpoint Trees
Midpoint and Arc tables
Ordered tables of planetary midpoints and major planets with choice of sort size and angle
QuickView screen display
Tables of Ecliptic latitude, longitude, declinations and ascensions on the equatorial plane
House Cusps, personal points, sorts of planets by quality and element in signs and houses
QuickView Screen Display |
Quotidian Q2
Tertiary/SA |
and Part of Fortune |
Graphic Design |
The graphics mode lets you create unlimited Color designs. Greater flexibility allows you to place multiple charts on a page.
Drag & Drop makes this powerful program amazingly simple to use.
• Full control over the colors of charts, glyphs, numbers, data and the background.
• Position charts, tables and data exactly where you want them.
• Resize charts, tables and text to any size you like.
• Create multi-chart designs.
• Adjust line thickness in all charts, tables and frames.
• Export charts as PICT or JPEG for use on the internet or word processor.
• Control the appearance of planets and asteroids in each specific design.
• Assign your own custom color sets for printing and viewing on screen.
• Select font styles for charts, text, numbers and glyphs.
• Control justification in all text areas.
• Add your own complimentary close e.g. Peace & Light, Designed by, etc |
Drag & Drop! |
An amazing interface that moves or copies chart information and pictures in a snap!
• Organize and transfer clients in your own custom charts files.
• Drag picture clippings of chart designs to your desktop to view later.
• Drop names and astrological data into your chart designs.
• This feature works in conjunction with Io Sprite and Io Detective. |