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Leo Venus

Leo Venus

You are the archetypal romantic . . .

On the face of it you're madly affectionate, filled with fiery passions and inject masses of fun and imagination into your affairs of the heart. Consequently you can transport your paramour to previously undreamed of emotional heights. Inevitably though, this means that you have to understand that you're playing the role of king to your queen, or vice versa, as far as your love life is concerned.

In other words, the royal qualities of respect and nobility must be very alive in your breast if a relationship is to survive or live up to your fairytale expectations. Respect means that you must be mindful that both of you are entitled to equal amounts of freedom and commitment. Nobility means that both of you must behave in a manner that commands respect. The salient factor is that first you must set this example in order that your mate may be truly impressed by your great love - great because it is both generous of spirit and respectful of the other's individuality.

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