You can check the accuracy of a natal horoscope against the originators of the Swiss Ephemeris free chartwheel option. ( All Horoscope Services and My Star World software are powered by the Swiss Ephemeris)
Astrological Association of Great Britain: - News, views and features from some of the leading lights in the astrological world. You will find extracts from the Association’s publications The Astrological Journal, Transit Newsletter, Correlation, and details of how to subscribe to these along with Culture and Cosmos and the Astrology and Medicine Newsletter.
Academia de Estudos Astrologicos (Academy of Astrological Studies): - Astrology school and research centre based in Lisbon, Portugal. Founded by the astrologers Helena Avelar and Luis Ribeiro.
Astrology Foundation Incorporated: - The Astrology Foundation Incorporated (AFI) is a New Zealand non-profit friendly society providing a stimulating environment for those with an interest in Astrology.
National Council for Geocosmic Research: - The National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) is an astrological organization dedicated to education and research with members and chapters worldwide. A leading US astrology organisation. Resource for astrological learning and events. Offers accredited courses in astrology. Publishes NCGR Journal.
Urania Trust: - a registered UK educational charity, founded in 1970 which provides a service to the British and worldwide community. Information concerning astrological associations, organisations, societies and educational establishments; bookshops; magazines; publishers; software suppliers.
Kepler College of Astrological Arts and Sciences: - University Degrees in Astrology. Situated in Washington State, USA. Offers 4 year BA degree in Astrological Studies and is authorised to grant an Associate of Arts Degree in the History and Symbology of Astrology. Earn a BA or AA degree in astrological studies through a distance learning with symposium program
AstroDataBank: - Astrology software containing 28,000 birth data. Helps you learn astrology by example, improve your professional skills as an astrologer, and research and test your astrological theories.
Astrological Insights: - Specializes in electional, horary and relocation astrology. Electional astrology is the art of precise timing to enhance a desired outcome. For example, electional astrology is often used to select a wedding date, launch a new business or make a major purchase. Timing is so important to the success of any endeavor, and electional astrology gives you the edge. Relocation astrology is used to locate the most desireable place to live. It is often possible to improve career, finances or relationships by relocating. Horary astrology is the art of answering a pressing question. It is often possible to locate a missing possession with this method.
Ancient Sciences: - Search for Professionals, Consultants, Products related to ancient sciences like Vastu, Astrology, Anthropology, Archaeology, Astronomy, Ayurveda, Bing-Fa, Feng Shui, Geomancy, Hypnotism, Mathematics, Numerology, Prophecy, Reiki, Vastu Shastra, Yoga, Dowsing, Meditation, Horology, Pranic Healing.
Mind Body Spirit Festivals: - London and Manchester. Stands showcase innovative ideas. These include inspirational photographic prints, natural sea sponge tampons, relationship and business advice, fair trade clothing, empowering goddess products, training in naturopathy and nutrition, information on environmental & natural burials. Free demonstrations and performances in the main hall. Demonstrations include the magic of yoga, sound healing, clairvoyance, sonic meditation & spiritual healing. Talks throughout the day in the theatre in the main hall. Topics include working with angels, wild love, past lives-hidden treasures, unlock your psychic powers, and improve your relationships.
Mind Body Spirit Direct: A website and mail order company highlighting audio visual information and lifestyle products, on alternative, complimentary, holistic healing, and life empowerment. focusing on life enhancing products from the worlds most inspirational teachers and artists. on video, dvd, music cd and spoken word. as well as items of personal empowerment and inspiration.
Pilgrims Mind, Body & Spirit Store: - New Age and Mind Body Spirit Store: Pilgrims UK is the foremost, with on-line secure ordering and next-day delivery.Mind, Body and Spirit superstore. Includes news, reviews, chat, interviews, message board, links and secure on-line ordering. - Advertising Opportunity - Increase your web traffic with licensed horoscope content. Daily and weekly horoscopes drive repeat visits. - Indian Astrology based on vedic astrology.
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