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Scorpio Neptune

Scorpio Neptune

You belong to . . .

the Neptunian generation born between the mid 1950's and 1970. As this generation came of age, established musical forms and the use of drugs took on more self-destructive and sexually explicit undertones. The seeking of 'highs' became heavier and also involved the underworld of crime more. The lack of Mankind's spiritual awareness which had been prevalent for some time became a more critical issue, with material status symbols becoming gods and sexual diseases - especially AIDS - becoming more threatening as the result of a lack of awareness as to the true and subtle nature of what intimacy means. The challenge to your generation is great indeed: to prevent degeneration.

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Aries NeptuneTaurus Neptune Gemini Neptune Cancer Neptune Leo Neptune Virgo Neptune Libra Neptune Scorpio Neptune Sagittarius Neptune Capricorn Neptune Aquarius Neptune Pisces Neptune
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