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Soul Mates Interpretation Module

soul_mates_report   "Is There True Love In His Kiss?"
Using the Soul Mates module you can discover more about your own relationship but also produce reports that will show others how to improve their relationships too.

How well do couples really get on and will it last? Find out how they can enjoy a relationship much more by knowing exactly how well matched they are and their genuine potential for happiness.

Each Soul Mates report will include:

  • Key connections - important links
  • Relationship challenges - what excites you both?
  • Relationship strengths - success as a couple
  • How you interact - subtle interactions

Five Star Rating lets you spot at a glance the 'closeness' of your relationship.

With patience and love tensions can be overcome. Some relationships are not long lasting or permanent, even so they exist for a reason.

For a relationship to work there should be at least a 1/3 of the aspects rated as a 'close one'. Check out yours and see how well your relationship rates.

Order your own Soul Mates report

Order a Soul Mates software interpretation module

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