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Virgo Moon


Your reigning need . . .

is to feel pure and that everything is in the right place. This predisposition of yours leads to your having a well-ordered emotional lifestyle as, or when, you consistently weed out influences that are detrimental to your well-being. This can also you give you an instinct for healthcare. The catch here is that your own 'impurities' - such as lusts, dirty habits, peculiarities - can get overlooked and so you brand others too easily as being not good enough.

Conversely, you can become obsessed with your own impurities and not feel good or clean enough to be closely, or emotionally, involved with anyone for very long. Your mother's fastidiousness, or her lack of it, has something to do with all of this.

You like animals, possibly more than humans, because of their innate purity, but then observe how natural animals are with their earthy habits. This is an example of one of those hazy areas which you can fail to see, or avoid seeing, as you are predisposed to viewing life in black and white, as profane or pristine with nothing in between. Your sense of purity, and of service too, is best employed in dealing with what is inaccurate or polluted. Quite simply, you are aware of what needs cleaning up in this world, but should not take it quite so personally and thereby fight shy of your own 'dirt' or 'mess'.

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